324 research outputs found

    Phylogeny of the genus Misolampus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

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    An application of geometric morphometrics: population variability of Phylan semicostatus (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

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    Què és més rodó?

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    Des d'una perspectiva constructivista de l'aprenentatge, les definicions i els teoremes no són el principi, sinó el final d'un procés que l'alumnat de matemàtiques hauria d'experimentar per a construir el seu propi aprenentatge. Amb diversos episodis d'aula de primer d'ESO s'il·lustra com es poden construir la definició de cercle i la de grau de rodonesa que s'usaran per a esbrinar quin ou és més rodó, el de guatlla o el de gallina. Mitjançant la guia del seu professor, la interacció social amb els seus col·legues i successives aproximacions d'exemples i contra exemples, els estudiants són capaços de concretar i de construir tant la definició de cercle com la del grau de rodonesa. El treball es tanca amb una anàlisi de les implicacions didàctiques del procés de cara a cursos posteriors de l'ESO.From a constructivist viewpoint of learning, definitions and theorems are not the beginning but the end of a process that mathematics students should experience in order to build their own learning. Bymeans of several experiences in a first year secondary education classroom,we show how the definitions of circle and degree of roundness are created. Both definitions are used to find out which of the following is rounder, a quail egg or a chicken egg. Under the guidance of the teacher, the social interactionwith classmates and successive approximations of examples and counterexamples, students are able to specify and create both the definition of circle and the degree of roundness. Thework finisheswith an analysis of the didactic implications of the process with respect to future secondary education courses

    Noves aportacions a la fauna coleopterològica de les Illes Balears

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    Carabidae i Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) de s'Albufera de Mallorca:

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    Els coleòpters de Cabrera: llista faunística i perspectives d'estudi

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    Es presenta el catàleg preliminar dels coleòpters de Cabrera. De les 107 espècies catalogades, 35 hi són citades per primera vegada. Malgrat la important tasca de camp realitzada i a la revisió crítica de les dades bibliogràfiques, encara no es coneix amb precisió el nombre d'espècies que viuen a l'arxipèlag. Es destaca la gran afinitat entre les faunes de Cabrera i Mallorca i en presentam una explicació biogeogràfica. Per primera vegada es presenten dades de tots els illots de l'arxipèlag. Es descriuen importants diferències entre les faunes dels diferents illots i es postula el seu origen. Es descriuen fenòmens de miniaturització d'espècies a alguns illots i de colonització i extinció d'espècies. L'interès de la fauna coleopterològica de Cabrera resulta molt elevat a causa del seu caràcter endèmic.A first Coleoptera check-list of Cabrera is presented. 107 species urc listed and 35 new records are reported. In spite of considerable effort of sampling and critical review of the literature data, it is not still possible to know the species number of Cabreran Coleoptera presently. The Cabreran and Mallorcan faunas are very closely related. The biogeographic reasons for it are pointed out. Data for all the small islands andislets of the Cabrera Archipelago are presented for the first time. There are some important interisland variations. The reasons for it are commented. Some miniaturization and colonization/extinction phenomena are recorded. The interest of Cabreran Coleoptera is very high because of its endemic character

    Consistent Selection towards Low Activity Phenotypes When Catchability Depends on Encounters among Human Predators and Fish

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    Together with life-history and underlying physiology, the behavioural variability among fish is one of the three main trait axes that determines the vulnerability to fishing. However, there are only a few studies that have systematically investigated the strength and direction of selection acting on behavioural traits. Using in situ fish behaviour revealed by telemetry techniques as input, we developed an individual-based model (IBM) that simulated the Lagrangian trajectory of prey (fish) moving within a confined home range (HR). Fishers exhibiting various prototypical fishing styles targeted these fish in the model. We initially hypothesised that more active and more explorative individuals would be systematically removed under all fished conditions, in turn creating negative selection differentials on low activity phenotypes and maybe on small HR. Our results partly supported these general predictions. Standardised selection differentials were, on average, more negative on HR than on activity. However, in many simulation runs, positive selection pressures on HR were also identified, which resulted from the stochastic properties of the fishes' movement and its interaction with the human predator. In contrast, there was a consistent negative selection on activity under all types of fishing styles. Therefore, in situations where catchability depends on spatial encounters between human predators and fish, we would predict a consistent selection towards low activity phenotypes and have less faith in the direction of the selection on HR size. Our study is the first theoretical investigation on the direction of fishery-induced selection of behaviour using passive fishing gears. The few empirical studies where catchability of fish was measured in relation to passive fishing techniques, such as gill-nets, traps or recreational fishing, support our predictions that fish in highly exploited situations are, on average, characterised by low swimming activity, stemming, in part, from negative selection on swimming activity. © 2012 Alós et al.This work was supported by the research project CONFLICT (grant # CGL2008-00958) and REC2 (grant # CTM2011-23835), both of them funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). Additional funding was received from the research project ARTEVIGO (grant # 09MMA022402PR) financed by the Galician Government, Spain. RA also received additional funding from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) through the Program for Social-Ecological Research for the project Besatzfisch (grant # 01UU0907)Peer Reviewe

    Invertebrats endèmics i illes: (Tenebrionidae i Araneae) introduccions i extincions als illots de Cabrera (Illes Balears)

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    S'analitza la composició faunística dels illots de Cabrera per avaluar si hi ha diferències en l'impacte que ha tingut un esdeveniment històric clau (la colonització per Rattus rattus) sobre dos grups faunístics amb capacitat de dispersió ben contrastada: les aranyes en front als coleòpters tenebrionids. Es confirma l'existència de diferències significatives en quant a la composició taxonòmica i estructura de les comunitats per als dos grups, i s'interpreten aquestes diferències dintre d'un marc teòric general. Es proposa que, com a norma general, la composició d'espècies endèmiques (com a paradigma de les espècies males dispersores) a illes no oceàniques serà el resultat de successives extincions a partir d'un stock inicial més ric, degudes a l'impacte de diferents esdeveniments claus que van tenint lloc al llarg de la història de cada illa.The faunistic composition of 14 islets from the Cabrera archipelago (off SE Mallorca, Balearic Is.) is analysed in search of potential differences in both composition and structure of the community of two invertebrate groups displaying contrasting dispersal capabilities: spiders versus tenebrionid beetles. Differences found are explained as the result of a historical event: the introduction of Rattus rattus. We propose that the current composition of endemic species in non-oceanic islands must be envisaged as the result of successive extinction events, each linked to specific key events having occurred during island history. It is assumed that the number of endemic species diminishes with time from a larger initial stock. Insular endemic species are a paradigmatic example of organisms with very reduced potencial for dispersal. Therefore, the introduced model of successive extinctions can be applicable to every poorly dispersed group of organisms